Vic’s Town Hall approved last month creating the “Associació de municipis per la independència” (Association of Municipalities for the Independence) led by the mayor of Vic, Josep Maria Vila d’Abadal. I’ve been following this initiative for a while but haven’t mentioned it so far but that it’s starting to take shape it’s worth talking about it.
This is the first time that an initiative explicitly created to advance towards Catalonia’s independence comes from an official institution and the target is to create a network of municipalities to lobby for the independence of Catalonia with the aim at organising a referendum of independence in the future.
Through Nació Digital I learn that Vila d’abadal is planning to hold an assembly with representatives of all the members at the end of November. They calculate by then about 100 municipalities will have joined the initiative by then. They expect around 300 municipalities to join eventually (Catalonia has 946 municipalities)
Vila d’Abadal is one of the potential candidates to substitute Josep Antoni Duran i Lleida in the future as the leader of Unió Democràtica de Catalunya. Duran i Lleida has a very marked pro Spanish and anti Independence profile which in the light of a pro independence majority in Catalonia fails to represent a central position in Catalan politics.
We’ll keep track of this initiative that I believe has a lot of potential to contribute to exercise Catalonia’s right of selfdetermination.
Below, the map of Municipalities which have already joined this initiative.
Mostra Municipis per la Independència en un mapa més gran
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