Congratulations to the Scottish. I am very happy the SNP’s historical majority in Holyrood and now that there’s a green light for a referendum if the outcome is for secession that’ll certainly create a precedent within the European Union. That will make things easier for other independence processes going on in Western Europe at the moment. I wish the Scottish all the best in their struggle for independence. I must confess I’m quite envious right now.
I think Catalan independentist parties have a lot to learn from the SNP after the result of the Catalan elections last November where the pro independence parties decreased their representation at the Parliament while the independece option amongst the Catalan electorate is at a recent times high.
From what I’ve seen so far, I’m impressed with the reaction on the English media to the elections in the way they respect the decision of the Scottish. The quality of the democracy in the UK is certainly much better than in the Spanish Kingdom.
Picture by Saül Gordillo