We need the Catalan political parties (CiU and ERC) to organize a binding referendum as soon as possible and since elections are soon we need them to include this in their political program, these two parties combined have an absolute majority in the Catalan Parliament and we need them to commit to organise a referendum of independence the day after the elections.
Do CiU and ERC need a divine sign, or maybe a miracle, a lightning coming from the sky to carve in a stone in Montserrat a command telling them what they must do? Because Catalan society has spoken again and they don’t seem to listen.
Last weekend Catalan society organised itself again, fighting the news void organised by the unionist media which completely ignored the event and voted again that they want the independence of Catalonia.
Not only the results again showed that Catalans overwhelmingly want independence (94% yes vote) but even in the areas where votes do not traditionally go to the Catalan parties (CiU and ERC) where the spanish immigrants that arrived in the 60s and 70s and many of their descendants live, in areas where you’ll barey hear Catalan in the streets, even there, the results are an exact replica of the ones seen in Vic or other Catalan strongholds. They want independence because they know it’ll be the best for them. Some will say that the participation of a 21% is low but to me is a clear success considering the circumstances.
I’m wondering if the current parties are aware of what they have in their hands, I believe they do but they consciously ignore it. I don’t believe anymore that CiU’s (and ERC’s) leaders are what they say they are. I just can’t understand how neither of them are as we speak are in a meeting speaking about organizing a coalition after the elections to make a binding referendum for independence.
There’s loads of people from those two parties that have put an enormous amount of effort into organising the referendums and even some of their relevant members, like Alfons López Tena or Oriol Junqueras are 100% commited to work to help Catalonia achieve their independence but something is rotten inside those organizations, the current leaders of CiU and ERC are one of the main obstacles for Catalonia’s independence right now.
I cannot think of any more ways that Catalan society can express their desire for a binding independence referendum. In the meantime, CiU seem too busy thinking of ways to help Zapatero get Spain out the the crisis and ERC have been in a coalition government for 6 years with the PSOE and have made it possible for Montilla to be the worst president of the Generalitat to record, someone who has made every effort to turn Catalonia into a Spanish province.
Then politicians complain that there’s a low interest in politics in Catalonia, I’d say what really happens is that politicians are too busy keeping their shares of power rather than listening to what people want.
In this scenario we have two possibilities, that CiU and ERC elect new leaders that are going to move the country forward or someone needs to break the status quo in the Catalan Parliament, and the only organisation willing to do that is Reagrupament, the political association led by Joan Carretero, which has as a main target to gather a majority of deputies (no matter what party they belong to) in the Catalan Parliament and declare independence and judging by the attacks it is recently receiving is getting closer to its target every day. Also, Joan Laporta, seems to be starting his political career and he’s openly defending independence for our country.
Since the current parties seem too busy trying to save Spain instead of helping Catalonia my guess is that us Catalans have chosen the wrong representatives so far. We need change.
Molt bò l’article, Albert. Aviat aconseguirem el canvi!
Gràcies Anna, me n’alegro que t’agradi
Hi Albert,
Great article. I would like to add, the big disappointment of the “official” Catalan parties that are not willing to go along with the work that so far has done “Reagrupament”. I hope that when November comes, the people or has vote ‘yes’ for independence, can also support those parties that only want one thing: Independence for Catalonia.
Josep Lluís Pérez de Arce
Casal dels Paisos Catalans de Toronto
Thanks for your comment Josep Lluís
Without state, Catalonia has no future, with the State to the contrary, has no present. We need to move to independence as a dream and heart’s desire for independence as project head, with arguments, facts, reason and democracy. If we want, we can: to live better, more free, being as worthy as the most two hundred people in the world with state ”
Long live freedom!
State Visca Catalunya!
Sense Estat, Catalunya no té futur; amb l’Estat a la contra, no té ni present. Cal passar de la independència com a somni i desig del cor a la independència com a projecte del cap, amb arguments, dades, raó i democràcia. Si volem, podem: per viure millor, per ser més lliures, per ser tan dignes com els més dos-cents pobles del món que tenen Estat”
Visca la llibertat!
Visca Catalunya Estat!
Gràcies per la teva aportació Vicenç
Although I appreciate those who, like you, support Reagrupament, for the time being, ERC are the only parliamentary party who have declared that they are in favour of independence for Catalonia. However, ERC are but 21 seats, next to Convergència’s 48. ERC would doubtlessly move in favour of an official referendum. The problem is CiU’s lack of definition. If they were to declare themselves in favour of a referendum for independence, have no doubt that ERC would follow.
It’s all very well criticising ERC’s lack of support for the initiative in Parliament, but until CiU make their position clear, there will simply not be a binding referendum. Criticism should therefore be centred upon Convergència. Unfortunately, CiU members who support independence will rather criticise ERC for its position than make their own position clear and forcing CiU to take a clear stance on independence, giving their party’s interest priority over that of the nation’s.
Thanks YuriBCN, I believe eventually a coalition formed by Reagrupament, ERC and CiU will unite to do a declaration of independence from the Catalan Parliament. Look forward to that. But we need something like Reagrupament to push everyone towards independence.
Without “Reagrupament” the liberty and that Catalunya will be the fourth state of Europe is not possible.
Dear all
It’s a great article indeed, and very good contributions followed.
However, I think of the point is very simple : all actual politicians (those who define themselves as nationalist and others) owe their posts to the fact that Catalonia still belongs to Spain.
Don’t look further, when Catalonia -thanks to the citizens’ effort, and not the politicians’-will finally achieve its independence, what will be the role and the ‘symbolism’ both of ERC and CiU?
At that time, we’ll have brand new parties :socialdemocatric party, liberal party, labour party… just like in any other ‘normal’ state in Europe.
Simply : They do not want Independence. They are politicians, they can’t do anything else in life than playing politic games to keep their chair beneath their butts… so simple.
Gràcies per la teva opinió Toni
I disagree. I think there is a lot of catalonians that feel Spain as their own country and feel strongly proud and related to the Spanish cultural heritage.
They would like to have the option to educate their children in spanish and english language but they can’t since they feel catalan is imposed in schools as the only “vehicular” language.
They think -and I am not going to judge- that learning Spanish and English will open more doors in the future for their kids. They know they will always learn Catalan as they native language, and they are proud of that too. Lot of of people is beyond the little nationalist game politics love to play.
Manuel, I’ll just ask you a question, how can Catalan be possibly imposed in Catalonia? how can a language be imposed in its own country? I’ll answer that for you: it can’t.